Face / Visage
L’unicité de visage le rends beau.- Platon
The uniqueness of the face renders it beautiful.- Plato
blog about photography
L’unicité de visage le rends beau.- Platon
The uniqueness of the face renders it beautiful.- Plato
Eat Braed and Salt, and Speak the Truth. – Russian Proverb
Mange Pain et Sel, et dit la Verité. – Proverbe russe
Some roads are not meant to be travelled alone.
Il y a des routes qui ne sont pas faites pour être voyager seul.
/ Dead Sea /
…and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again, yes
and then he asked me would I yes…
and first I put my arms around him, yes
and drew him dawn to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume, yes
and his heart was going like mad
and yes, I said yes, I will, Yes. – James Joyce
( Paris Plages )
Je ne suis pas un photographe qui conceptualise. Nul besoin de chercher les photographies. La nature est généreuse. Il suffit de sortir, les photographies sont là, sous vos yeux. – Lee Friedlander