La forêt / The forest

May 01

foret-5                                                           / Bois de Boulogne, France /

La forêt est là, elle me regarde et m’inquiète,

 et m’attire comme le masque d’une momie. – Blaise Cendrare

The forest is there, it looks at me and troubles me,

And tempts me like the masque of a mummy. – Blaise Cendrars


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The life of the things

Apr 08

The power of things-2                                                                         / Angkor,Cambodia /

While with an eye made quite by the power of harmony,

and the deep power of joy,

we see into the life of things. – William Wordsworth

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The Land / La Terre

Feb 06

The land is a mother that never dies                                                                   / Dogon village, Mali /

The Land is a mother that never dies. – Maori

La Terre c’est une mère qui ne meurt jamais. – Maori

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Sunrise and Sunset

Jan 16

Sunset Emily Dikenson                                  / Namibia /

Sunrise and Sunset

I’ll tell you how the sun rose,

A ribbon at a time.

The steeples swam in amethyst,

The news like squirrels ran.

The hills untied their bonnets,

The bobolinks begun.

Then I said softly to myself,

That must have been the sun!

But how he set, I know not.

There seemed a purple stile

Which little yellow boys and girls

Were climbing all the while

Till when they reached the other side,

A dominie in gray

Put gently up the evening bars,

And led the flock away. – Emily Dickinson

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Beauty / La beauté

Dec 18

/ Lake Tekapo, New Zealand /

With beauty before me, may I walk. With beauty behind me, may I walk. With beauty above me, may I walk. With beauty below me, may I walk. With beauty all around me, may I walk. Wandering on the trail of beauty, may I walk. – Navajo: Walking Meditation


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